5 Tips for Branding Your Commercial Space

You’ve heard it before: it’s important that your space reflects your brand. So important in fact, that doing so generates an average of a 23% increase in profitability for your business.

However, you don’t have to spend a ton of money to create a space that is aligned with your brand. Follow these five tips, hire a great team to work with, and it will completely transform your space.

5 Branding Tips for Your Space

1. See from the client’s point of view

You want every experience your client has in your space to be a positive one. Your design should not be focused on what you like; personal tastes need to be put aside when it comes to your business.

Ask yourself this: what are their 5 senses telling them as they walk through your door? Does that reflect your brand and the experience you are hoping that your clients (or potential clients) are having?

2. Make sure your space is unique and memorable

You want to stand out from the rest and have your space be the one people talk about. Create a space that gets people talking and watch “word of mouth” take your business to the next level.

When you think of your space, what features come to mind that set you apart from the rest? Space utilization is key here. You want your layout to function as best as possible to be a reflection of your brand.

3. Have a great bathroom

This is a space where your design is fully taken in without distractions. A trend that companies have been following is making sure they have memorable bathrooms. Have a mirror people want to take selfies in? Even better. You want this space to look great, reflect your brand, and be impressively clean.

You remember the best and worst of bathrooms you encounter; the rest leave no impression.

4. Think of your ideal client

Choose your favourite client. Think about them: their frustrations, their challenges, and most importantly, their expectations.

If you are a clothing shop with a target audience of young moms in their 30s and 40s, you’re going to want to have fitting rooms that can accommodate enough space for a stroller and seating suitable for young children. If your target audience is women in their 50s and 60s, this would look much different.

5. Give your brand a personality

Would your ideal client be friends with your brand? Serious, playful, responsible, relaxed, formal … try to personify your business. You want your brand’s personality to show through the design of your space.

When you think of your space, do any specific personality traits come to mind? Do these traits align with your brand values?

Sound like a lot to take on? You don’t have to do it all yourself! Hiring a contractor and an interior designer can make your dreams a reality, not to mention save you a lot of time and headaches.

Hiring a Great Team

Interior Designer

A designer and a decorator are very different. A decorator provides space layouts, finishings, and physical work. In addition to the tasks of a decorator, a designer can provide construction drawings (for permits and applications) and knows current codes and regulations. Keep in mind, however, that the physical part of design may not be done by the designer, though it may be offered as an additional service.

Ask for examples of their past work, get all of your questions answered, and discuss everything at the beginning to manage expectations.


Before hiring a contractor, there are some important questions you should ask. Getting all of these questions answered upfront will allow you to make the best decision on who to trust with your brand. Again check out their past work, ask tons of questions, and make sure all expectations are clear from the beginning. When there are proper complete drawings for your project (done by a designer), it protects you from contractors taking short cuts.

Main thing to take away: get everything in writing.

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