Branding in Action

Okay so you’ve started the branding process. You have a logo and visual identity, maybe even some brand insights & strategy. Now how do you use that in the real world?

Messaging & A Branded Website

Put that design to good use! This is one of the most common places your audience will see and experience your brand. Make sure your designer has used your correct fonts & colours for consistency. Any web designer will be happy to have the design foundations set by your visual brand to truly make your website yours!

This is also the perfect place to showcase your brand through photography styles and messaging. Your photos should represent your business & services and also have a distinct style that can be used consistently throughout your other online channels. Your messaging should resonate with your target audience and bring out the personality of your business.

Take Glossier for example. Their language is informative but also “Millennial,” adding to their overall brand and audience focus. Now if you switch and look at the Nike’s website you can see the shift in the design & imagery. You can also feel the change in tone. It’s more about innovation and inspiration.

Social Media Channels

Another great spot to use the design standards set in your brand guide. Keeping consistent colours & fonts throughout all your social media channels as well as making sure your profiles use the same profile picture and business name will add to your brand recognition and build trust with your audience.

When you can use consistent Canva templates and a brand kit those will be great to highlight your brand colours, patterns, & fonts. However, keep in mind some platforms (like Instagram) are meant to share photos and videos as well and don’t always need a template. Messaging and photography are important ways to showcase your brand and communicate with your audience.

Generally you can afford to have a slightly lighter tone with certain social media channels. Jump on the Instagram/Tiktok trends when you can as long as they connect back to your services or business in some way.

Packaging & Merch

If your business has physical products, this is another place your audience will experience your brand. Depending on what the product or service is, you might not even be around when they purchase or use it!

Hair products are a great example. Many people might use these products at salons or purchase them at a store all without seeing your brand anywhere else. This means something on that packaging and something about that product has to grab attention and pull customers in.

Messaging & design are essential here in particular. In a store, there may be 100s of similar products so your packaging has to say “pick me.” When it comes to packaging, again, think back to your audience and the mission behind your brand.

Signage & Location

If you have a physical location your brand will be seen in person as well as online. Location and storefronts can’t always be completely customizable, but when possible, always flip back to those brand standards.

Think, can you use your brand colours for wall colours? Can you get indoor & outdoor signage made? How do you want someone to feel when they walk in? What kind of music is playing? What’s the lighting like?

Take Starbucks for example (I know we’re not all owners of a billion-dollar cafe franchise but hear me out). Anywhere in the world, you can walk into a Starbucks and the “vibe” is pretty much the same. The interior has natural finishings, lots of windows, and is not too brightly lit. It feels warm and cozy, and the baristas are always there to smile and ask you what you’d like to order. This is an example of consistent branding.

Now of course Starbucks has the money to make sure all their stores look a certain way but when it comes to your own business location think about what you want your customers to feel when they come into your business. See where there are areas you can add branded touches to make customers feel the way you want them to.

What Now?

So what do you do with all this? Make a plan. Use these tips to create consistency across any platform or physical space your audience might find you. Show up the way your audience expects you to.

About the author: nine10

Nine10 Incorporated has spent the last 16 years developing brands and websites, and training businesses across Alberta. After their merger with imageDESIGN, they now have a combined market experience of 38 years.

Change has always been a core value of nine10 and, as the world has changed and evolved over the last 16 years, nine10 has adapted their offerings to best serve their clients. They focus on making sure their clients leave with the tools and confidence they need to manage their brands, websites, and digital marketing on their own.

With their expanded team of Business Development Professionals, Designers, Website Developers, Print Experts, and Digital Marketing Trainers, they’ve built an incredible knowledge base. This group of experts with extensive experience helps their clients build vibrant, exciting new brands, websites, and assets to help their marketing shine.

If you’re looking to connect with nine10 to see how they can help your business stand out, visit their website at

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