Client Feature: Blooming Ladies

Business Link’s monthly Client Feature allows us to highlight some of the many incredible Alberta entrepreneurs we work with, like Wunmi Akinlosotu, CEO & Founder of Blooming Ladies. We connected with Wunmi and asked her a few questions about her entrepreneurial journey:

Q. What is your background?

A. I have a BSc in Management and Accounting from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria and a Masters in Business Administration from Heriot Watt University UK. I am a certified professional coach with the Institute of Leadership and Management UK and a certified Neuro Linguistic Programmer.

I have been privileged to work mostly with start-ups both in the profit and not-for-profit sectors during my working career and to have the experience of working in different continents.

Q. Tell us about your business and what it does.

A. Blooming Ladies is a global community for purpose-driven entrepreneurial women. We provide space for women to thrive, we provide inspiration, connection and education a woman needs to build a thriving life and business. This is done through our in-person and online events.

Q. What motivated you to start your own business?

A. I have seen many women give up on their dreams because they lacked the support system, motivation and resources to pursue their dreams. I felt I could create a community where we can create a safe ‘space’ for women to thrive.

Q. What are you most proud of? What is your biggest success?

A. My biggest success is taking Blooming Ladies beyond Alberta, what started as a coaching event now has chapters in 2 other continents.

Q. What was your biggest challenge in the early days of your business? What is your biggest challenge now?

A. My biggest challenge in the early days especially as a newcomer to Canada was getting people to attend our events. Now my greatest challenge is standing out in the sea of so many networking groups out there.

Q. How has the Business Link helped you? Why did you come to us?

A. I came to Business Link when I had a new business idea for the Alberta market, and I needed help with market research and professional advice. Funny, this business idea has been dropped but Business Link has proven to be very helpful in the area of providing access to resources I need for different areas of my business, having a sounding board, strategy partner and someone to keep you accountable.

Q. What advice would you share with others who want to start or grow their own business?

A. Don’t keep to yourself. There is lots of help out there and people willing to lend a helping hand. I strongly recommend speaking with a Business Link Advisor; they go above and beyond their duties to make sure you succeed.

Q. What’s coming up next for you?

A. Blooming Ladies is still expanding into different cities in Canada and other countries. We are currently looking for Chapter Directors!

Where can you find Blooming Ladies?
facebook Blooming Ladies on Facebook
 Blooming Ladies on Instagram

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