Helping Alberta Business Owners Make Valuable Connections

In September 2020, we were thrilled to launch our very first peer-to-peer offering for entrepreneurs. Peerpreneur Sessions are a series of live virtual group discussions facilitated by our Business Link Strategists, designed to strengthen connections between small business owners across Alberta amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Entrepreneurs are assigned a cohort group and participate in a series of 4-weekly sessions. These highly engaging sessions give entrepreneurs the chance to discuss their business challenges, explore ideas, share best practices, and get support as they grow their business.

“It was amazing to see the breadth of knowledge and wisdom that each entrepreneur had, and how open they were to sharing advice to help support each other. I was blown away by how connected participants were by the end of the 4th session, and many wanted to continue meeting into the future!”

—David Bayda, Small Business Strategist

The first round of Peerpreneur Sessions ran over the course of a 3 month period in September, October, and November of 2020. In that time, 9 Cohort groups were created and a total of over 60 small business owners participated. The virtual video format allowed business owners from across the province to connect in a way that wasn’t possible before, and forge new connections despite physical distance and COVID-19 restrictions.

Here’s what some of the entrepreneurs had to say about their experience:

Peerpreneur“Business Link’s Peerpreneur Sessions was a great way to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs who support each other in their journey. I would recommend to others who may feel isolated as a solopreneur and need entrepreneurial support.” – Anca Dan

“It was amazing to meet with people from all sorts of businesses and realize how much we had in common. I took away so much in just 4 weeks.” – Kaye Burrows

“Business Link’s Peerpreneur program provided a much needed opportunity for collaboration and idea sharing in trying times. It helped me become aware of other’s experiences, provided new ideas, highlighted opportunities to enhance my relationship with Business Link, and gave me a confidence boost to execute some new strategies. I made new friends and connections, and gained some insight to help me grow my business.” – Russell Webb

Peerpreneur“This really advanced my business in ways I didn’t know possible. Just the feedback from industry experts and the ongoing accountability left me feeling excited and motivated to continue my business, even during this difficult time.” – Joanne Bartolome

“Thank you Business Link for hosting the Peerpreneur Sessions. It was a fantastic experience. Having a group of like-minded individuals together to discuss our business challenges was very helpful and inspiring.” – Ed Mort

“These sessions were insightful because everybody’s situation was relatable and their recommendations practical. It was comforting to see that I am not alone in the entrepreneurial journey’s difficulties especially in this pandemic.” – Olufunke Fasunon

“I would highly recommend the Peerpreneur program for any entrepreneur but especially for solopreneurs and microbusinesses. The small cohorts and insightful discussion gave me so many great actions items to implement into my business.” – Alyssa Berry

Peerpreneur“The sessions were great in that everyone’s thoughts were shared and no one was left out. It’s a great place to share my concerns and find out that I’m not alone. This is what I refer to as #supportinglocal! Thank you so much!” – Brenda Chalifoux

“The Peerpreneur sessions were very valuable and allowed me to connect with a group of diverse entrepreneurs. I loved the energy that each person brought every week. It is so inspiring!” Ghalia Aamer

The open format of the sessions provided the freedom to small business owners to discuss any challenges they were experiencing and advice to support other entrepreneurs, making it a “win-win situation for everyone,” said David. In fact, many participants were looking to keep connected after completing their sessions!

Applications for the second round of Peerpreneur Sessions are currently open until January 20, 2021. 

Apply to Join a Peerpreneur Session

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