Becoming an entrepreneur doesn’t always mean that your new business is now your full-time job. A lot of times when starting a business, it starts out as side-hustles and must be managed with full-time positions or a regular 9 to 5.
So how do you do it? After a week of 40+ hours at your full-time job, where do you find the time to work on your ‘side-hustle’. Keeping up with the demands of a second job can be exhausting, especially when it’s your business to run. Thankfully, there are a few ways to manage both without burning out.
Outsource menial tasks
Are there tasks that are taking up your time (and that you really dislike doing) that can be outsourced? Consider outsourcing your social media or marketing if that isn’t your thing. If you need some help with your accounting tasks, outsource it. The more time you are spending on these small tasks the less time you must focus on what you are passionate about, your business.
Some of the ways you can outsource while keeping costs down is by using freelancers through websites like Fiverr or Workhoppers. These social communities allow other freelancers in several different industries to advertise their services and prices and you can hire them for one of the projects or a series of projects. These costs are often a lot less than hiring an accountant or marketing firm and are a simple way to outsource the tasks that are the most tedious part of your business, allowing you to spend more time doing what you love.

Plan your time
Planning is key. Focus and prioritize your task list. You need to ensure that you’re planning your to-do list and sticking to it. Use a digital calendar or a paper planner – either will help you stick to the tasks you outlined for yourself. The worst thing that can happen is that you get behind because catching up is what will really wear you out.
Map out everything you need to get done for the week and lay it out in front of you. Having a to-do list will help you with productivity and productivity is key to facilitating growth within your business. Using apps like Evernote allows you to digitally plan out your tasks and group them together effectively.
Be selective with work
This business is your passion, so make sure it stays that way. Take on projects that fuel your fire, because doing what you love will never feel like work. You’re a lot less likely to get burned out working on a project that sparks joy than working on projects that feel like chores. While this is your side hustle, it’s the ideal time to be the most selective because you have another income to fall back on.
Within this, learn how to say no. There is nothing harder than saying no, especially when it relates to new work coming in. But, not every opportunity is right for you, ensure you have a strong set of values for your side-hustle that guides the work you take on. Getting comfortable with saying no will help you keep your side-hustle a passion project, rather than just more work.
Have downtime
You can’t work all the time. You need to have downtime in order to be successful, but this all goes into step two with planning your time. Schedule in some time for yourself, it’s so important to ensure that you do things that are just for you, maintain a balance in your life. Which leads into…
Beware of burnout
Side-hustle burnout is REAL! You are not only working 40 hours a week as an employee but also putting in hours working on your side-gig. This can lead to significant burnout. How to combat this? Use your downtime religiously, be cognizant of the time you are dedicating to your side-hustle and ensure you dedicate some time to yourself.
Let your passion propel you. Working on your side-hustle is going to be difficult and tiring at times no matter how much you enjoy it. But when these moments come, focus on the passion behind why you started your business and let that propel your energy. Allow yourself to admit that it’s exhausting, that doesn’t make you weak… it makes you an entrepreneur.
Don’t jump to leave your full-time job
Although you may be itching to be your own boss and turn your side-hustle into your full-time gig, take the time to make that happen. Leverage multiple streams of income and allow yourself some time to go through the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur, all while having a full-time position to use as a safety net. When you think you are ready, outline your budget and ensure that you can support yourself financially with your soon-to-be-not-so-side-hustle. Remember that your full-time job serves a purpose and embrace that.

Trust the process
Accept that things aren’t always going to go perfectly to plan, and that is okay!
Lastly, accept that you are going to be tired sometimes. You are going to feel like you may as well just give up because building a brand is exhausting. Sometimes you don’t want to do the extra because it seems like way too much. That’s when you whip out those goals. Remember why you are doing this, remember where your passion is and focus on the positives.