Legal Advice for Your Small Business

Though hiring a lawyer isn’t always necessary, there will likely come a time when you need to seek legal advice for your small business. It can be expensive to hire a lawyer, but their advice can be priceless. It’s much less expensive to hire a lawyer to do things properly when starting out than it is to hire a lawyer in an emergency when things go wrong.

What can a lawyer do for you?

Lawyers can give you invaluable advice at every stage of your business. Some things they can help you with:

  • Choose and implement the right business structure (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, non-profit)
  • Negotiate and complete contracts on your behalf
  • Review lease agreements
  • Protect your intellectual property
  • Defend any legal action against you
  • Prepare employee agreements
  • Sell your business

Find out what type of lawyer you need.

Try to find a lawyer that specializes in the practice area you need. Business-related legal practice areas include:

  • Company, commercial, and securities law:  incorporation, buying and selling a business, drafting shareholders and partnership agreements, contracts, and service and purchase agreements
  • Labour and employment law:  negotiating and interpreting collective agreements, resolving disputes, explaining obligations, advising on strikes, lay-offs, and dismissals
  • Civil litigation law:  lawsuits, collecting debts, negotiating, and settling
  • Real estate law:  buying or selling land or property, negotiating a lease, solving landlords and tenants disputes, and mortgaging property
  • Wills and estates:  drafting or challenging a will, and managing estates

Compile a shortlist of potential lawyers.

How you can find qualified lawyers in your area:

  • Ask your network for recommendations: reach out to friends, colleagues, and your business network for recommendations of lawyers they’ve had a positive experience with. While asking for recommendations can be a good starting point, it’s important to consider that they might have different needs and expectations.
  • Contact lawyer referral services: the Alberta Law Society’s Lawyer Referral Service will give you contact information for three lawyers that could meet your needs.
  • Call Legal Aid Alberta’s Alberta Law Line: Call toll-free at 1-866-845-3425 to find out if you qualify for Legal Aid Alberta‘s subsidized legal services.
  • Search the internet: Make sure you verify the credentials and experience of anyone you find online.


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