Fit Gal Gets off and Running!

Meagan’s fitness studio, BeFIT, began taking shape two years ago. Like most entrepreneurs, a few things inspired her to take the leap into starting her own business. She really wanted to create a place that customized training to every individual’s needs. Before turning her passion into a flourishing business, she found it hard to get time off from work for important personal endeavors. Now that she owns her fitness studio, she can balance clients’ needs, her needs, and also her dog’s needs!

Meagan’s studio welcomes everyone, from children to seniors. She works hard to build a fitness community, and integrates online programming and group support into her programs. Her 98% client renewal rate speaks to the success of everything she has been doing. She has built a community of support and encouragement for her clientele, so that they can reach their individual goals.

You Can’t Do It Alone

On Meagan’s journey to success, she has had help from many people. In the fall of 2014, she connected with Jim Ewing of Pro-Vision Solutions Inc., and participated in his St. Albert Startup Seminar Series. Jim introduced Meagan to us, and we provided her with information that helped her to plan programs, localize advertising, and pick her location. Futurpreneur Canada helped her with a business loan and mentoring, and the Old Strathcona Business Association has supported her with joint marketing, finding space, and grant information. Along her journey, she has built a team of experts to advise on legal, accounting, and bookkeeping matters, and she now has a few instructors to facilitate her many fitness classes.

Challenges or Opportunities?

With any new business, there is a steep learning curve. Meagan’s challenges were largely around marketing, staffing, and not surprisingly, balancing between working with clients and running the business. She’s discovered that she learns best by not only asking questions, but also through trial and error. She’s quickly identified what sets her apart from others: she knows how to adapt to changing market needs and has a willingness to take risks. Meagan truly believes that success starts with a winning mindset, and uses that to guide her towards the future.

Focus on the Future

Meagan and BeFIT have some big plans for the future, including a new kid’s yoga program that started this month. She is also in the process of starting an online transformation program, encompassing mindset and life coaching, nutrition, workouts, and group support. We can’t wait to see the great things that Meagan does next!

Feel free to learn more about Meagan and BeFIT online. Check out her Twitter too!

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