16 Social Media Basics for Small Business

Own a small business in Alberta? You’ve probably been told that your business, no matter how small it is, needs to be online. You’ve been told to “go where the people are” and to “align your content to your website’s SEO.” Maybe you’ve been told that all the teens are on Snapchat and that Facebook is dead.

If you’re over the age of 35, there’s a good chance that all this scares you. If you’re under 35, you may have a ton of technical questions about how to take what you do for fun and make it work for business. Like, what social media network should I choose? How do I get started? What is content marketing? Why should I bother with social media marketing? Well, Business Link has your back. This is the first of a series of infographics designed to make social media marketing for your small business easy on you. Stay tuned for infographics on analytics, which social network you should choose, and more!

Have more questions? Watch our events page for social media workshops and Ask a Marketing Expert events, and check out our other blog posts about social media marketing for your small business: Social Media Marketing Tips and Tricks for Small BusinessCreating a Social Media Plan for Your Small BusinessSocial Media for Small Business: Which Platform Should I Use?, and Easy Social Media Analytics Tips for Small Business.


Social Media Basics for Small Business Infographic


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