Social Media for Small Business: Which Platform Should I Use?

Deciding to begin social media marketing is easy. Everyone says you should do it. But how do you get started? We’re helping make it easier for Albertan entrepreneurs with this handy infographic. Find your goals on the chart, and follow the lines to the social media channels that work best for you. Try to pick one to start with (two at the most) unless you have a dedicated marketer working for you. Remember, every business is different, and your marketing needs will differ, too. At Business Link, we use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. We’ve discussed using Instagram, because so many of our clients are on the platform, but finding excellent visual content that we can post several times a week is prohibitive for us. We know what it’s like making these tough decisions, and we want to help you with yours.

Don’t forget to check out our other blog posts about social media marketing for your small business: Social Media Marketing Tips and Tricks for Small Business, Creating a Social Media Plan for Your Small Business, Easy Social Media Analytics Tips for Small Business, and 16 Social Media Basics for Small Business.

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