Client Story: White Rabbit Ice Cream

Scooping Happiness One Cone at a Time

After working for over 15 years in the restaurant industry, Yuko Takasaki dreamed of owning her own business. Despite being nervous about taking the first step, she ultimately decided to go after her dream after her grandmother passed away in 2020.

Launching the White Rabbit Ice Cream truck that same year, Yuko realized that she needed help with getting her business noticed online. By taking the initiative to apply for the Canada Digital Adoption Program’s Grow Your Business Online grant, Yuko worked with an e-commerce advisor to find specific workshops that would fill her knowledge gap, learn how to post professional-looking videos on social media, as well as further develop her business’s website to increase their reach online.

It was through the Canada Digital Adoption Program that she first learned about Business Link. After connecting in 2021, she has since continued to receive expert 1-on-1 business advice from a Business Strategist and get her small business questions answered.

“My Business Link advisor provided me with so much information, so much guidance, and really incredible resources that were specific to not only Edmonton, but also to my industry.” – Yuko Takasaki, Owner of White Rabbit Ice Cream


Yuko’s new business was so well-received in the community that, after two years of repeat success, she opened her first store location in 2023, designing the store herself with a look that keeps ice cream as the focal point.

For Yuko, ice cream is happiness. “I wish everybody could see it from my side of the counter, the look on peoples’ faces when you hand them an ice cream.”


Yuko wants other aspiring small business owners and entrepreneurs to know that “pursuing your passion is crucial in entrepreneurship, as it keeps you motivated and engaged. Life is too short to be doing something that doesn’t bring you joy and fulfillment. Once you’ve identified your passion, focus on crafting a detailed business plan that outlines your goals, target market, financial projections, and strategies for success.”

White Rabbit Ice Cream

Edmonton, Alberta

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