Nashania Patel

Nashania Patel

Senior Marketing Coordinator

With over three years of experience in the digital marketing industry, Nashania has honed her craft of turning marketing challenges into gold. Her passion for creating unique and effective campaigns has earned her a reputation for being a creative powerhouse. She’s a “marketing alchemist” with a wealth of knowledge that spans various facets of marketing – email marketing, social media management, SEO, PPC, content marketing, analytics, digital marketing strategy, you name it!

Nashania’s expertise in marketing doesn’t stop there. She is also a Certified Digital Marketing Professional and a Professional Certified Marketer through the Digital Marketing Institute and the American Marketing Association.

When Nashania isn’t utilizing data to optimize campaigns or researching new marketing strategies, you can find her hitting the gym, crushing opponents on the chessboard, planning her next travel adventure, or exploring the “hottest” donut spots in Calgary.